MediaStar Manager

MediaStar Manager is a flexible program management tool, giving your station the control needed to maintain program schedules and generate customized reports. With a few less features than MediaStar Scheduler, MediaStar Manager is a single web-based platform, that allows you to streamline efficiency and eliminate redundant, time-consuming data entry.

Features of MediaStar Manager

  • Comprehensive management of Program Schedules including digital sub-channels, live streaming & OTT
  • Access to MediaStar’s Global Program Library
  • Application settings configurable for individual users
  • Multiple access rights: Full and View-Only
  • Real-time, single-channel schedule Publish to PSIP, ESG, TitanTV Guide & Data Services,
  • Manage Recurring Events
  • Customizable reports including report templates
  • Integrated Comscore reporting of as-run programming

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MediaStar Manager Comparison

Manager offers a mid-tier option to meet the needs of stations who require more program management and reporting options.

Achieving Results - MediaStar Manager Feedback

“I use MediaStar Manager to inform our Live Stream viewers about program changes and show specials. MediaStar Manager is user-friendly and allows me to efficiently maintain my station's schedule changes. It’s simple to add or remove shows, update descriptions, extend program runs, and more. Publishing the schedule pushes those changes almost immediately to our online program guides for our viewers to see. I’m very satisfied with MediaStar Manager.”

— Maureen O'Connor, Producer/Administration/Affiliate Relations

Contact Us

For more information about MediaStar or other TitanTV products, please click here to submit a form or give us a call at 1-800-365-7629.