Comscore Reports in MediaStar Q & A Webinar
Posted on September 11th, 2020 by HSteffen

Join us for a joint Webinar with TitanTV, Inc and Comscore, answering all your questions regarding Comscore Titling Reports in MediaStar. Chelsea Stumpff and Abby Martinot will go over your questions but also review some best practices when sending your daily Comscore Reports.
In case you missed Comscore Reports in MediaStar Q & A Webinar, click below your version of MediaStar to watch the video:
- Comscore Only Users: Tuesday Sept. 15, 2020
- Editor Users: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
- Scheduler Users: Tuesday September 22, 2020

Heidi Steffen – SVP, Sales & Marketing, TitanTV, Inc.
Chelsea Stumpff – Broadcast Tools Product Manager, TitanTV, Inc
Abby Martinot – Manager, Schedule Coordination, Comscore